Be A Part of Their Story. 

Every day, NCM church planters risk their lives to share Jesus with the hardest to reach people groups in Africa. You can be part of the story of how a person - a village - a region - come to know Christ. 

As part of the NCM family, your faithful generosity will have a Kingdom impact for generations to come. We have heard the stories of hundreds of men and women who have lived in utter darkness and now have a new story in Christ.    

This season, we are asking for partners who want to come alongside us in the Great Commission and help take the Gospel where it has never been. We are aiming to reach 27,000 more souls over the next year with your help. 

We need to raise $105,000 to impact 300 communities with the Gospel by planting 300 new churches!

Will you be part of their story? Support a brave church planter as they spread the love of Christ in dangerous regions in Africa. Donate today.