Sponsor a Church Planter in Benin
It costs $200 per month on average to fully support an indigenous church planter, including family support and related ministry expenses & oversight.
We generally assign several sponsors to each missionary church planter in $35 increments to reach the full support needed. Distributing a church planter's support in this manner provides for greater prayer support and prevents the complete loss of income in the event a sponsor is forced to discontinue. However, we do welcome any sponsorship level up to the amount of $200 per month per church planter.
Here are some of our church planters with the greatest need of sponsorship. We have hundreds more ready to go to the field!
If you are interested in a larger scale project, please consider sponsoring a nation.
“At the age of 11 I lost my father and was raised by a single mom. Although she was a pagan she was the one who asked me to give my life to Jesus because she could not bear our tradition. This is how I- someone who lived in disobedience, in chaos, and sadness- gave my life to Jesus. One day I took my first step at church. Joy has filled my heart because I have found someone who from that day took over the role of my father - this man was God. From there, Jesus began His work in my life so today I have become His servant.” Ballovi’s ultimate goal is to see individuals from the Bulba people group of Benin to experience salvation…
“In the village of Tchaourou, I found myself under attack by spirits. Seeking guidance for my life, I made my way to consult with a fetish priest. However, during my journey, I encountered a friend who preached the gospel to me. This encounter led to my decision to become a Christian.” Tougourou’s passion lies in sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with the Foodo people of Benin…