People groups: 141
Population: 16,892,000
Unreached people groups: 79
unreached population: 9,365,000
24 NCM church planters
active among 12
Unengaged Frontier
People Groups
““My name is Jean Morum Hamba, Jesus saved me from alcohol addiction. Since I accepted Jesus as my savior my life changed physically and spiritually. I saw God’s love for me as well as the love of my Christian brothers and sisters. Blessed be our God.””
Learn more about our recent work in Chad:
2025 Annual Budget Need:
Chad Flood-Relief Project
In Fall of 2020 severe flooding caused the displacement of 120,000 people in Chad. New Covenant Missions immediately launched a relief program to provide mosquito nets, blankets, food supplies, and a mobile medical team. In addition to this, we are rebuilding 10 homes for the poorest of the poor. These homes will be able to resist future flooding.
One recipient of a new home is Maria. Maria lost her husband a couple of years ago and has been sharing her home with her daughter and her grandchildren since. During the floods, not only was Maria’s home destroyed but she also lost her daughter to Malaria. Maria shared with tears how this gift was truly the hope she needed to survive.