Sponsor a Church Planter in Nigeria
It costs $200 per month on average to fully support an indigenous church planter, including family support and related ministry expenses & oversight.
We generally assign several sponsors to each missionary church planter in $35 increments to reach the full support needed. Distributing a church planter's support in this manner provides for greater prayer support and prevents the complete loss of income in the event a sponsor is forced to discontinue. However, we do welcome any sponsorship level up to the amount of $200 per month per church planter.
Here are some of our church planters with the greatest need of sponsorship. We have hundreds more ready to go to the field!
If you are interested in a larger scale project, please consider sponsoring a nation.
“In 1989, I was in a dark place. I was fed up and made the decision to die, but a thought came up in my mind to die in the hands of the man they called Jesus. I then called on a friend who used to always preach to me. I told him of my hoplessness and wanting to die with Jesus. He then prayed for me and led me to Christ…”
Before becoming a full time pastor, Michael Okhakhu was a missionary team-leader for the Assemblies of God. They have covered fields in Igara, Ewohimi, Abraka, and even the Kogi State. He planted three churches: one at Ogriga and two at Ewora. When Michael became a full time pastor, he was posted to the Assemblies of God in Eware where God used them to grow His church with great signs even in the midst of challenges…