Sponsor a Church Planter in Uganda
It costs $200 per month on average to fully support an indigenous church planter, including family support and related ministry expenses & oversight.
We generally assign several sponsors to each missionary church planter in $35 increments to reach the full support needed. Distributing a church planter's support in this manner provides for greater prayer support and prevents the complete loss of income in the event a sponsor is forced to discontinue. However, we do welcome any sponsorship level up to the amount of $200 per month per church planter.
Here are some of our church planters with the greatest need of sponsorship. We have hundreds more ready to go to the field!
If you are interested in a larger scale project, please consider sponsoring a nation.
Ogwang Santos grew up as a son to the minister of their local church. When he was 12 years old, a visiting preacher reminded some of the locals that salvation is a personal relationship with God and each and everyone should accept Jesus. Ogwang immediately responded and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. He has been working in ministry since 2017…
Simon has been active in ministry for two years and currently works as a pastor for the Mening community church and is part of the mission team reaching out to the unreached! His passion is to preach the gospel so that all the lost will come to Christ…
David had never heard about the gospel and believed in gods and witchcraft until 2017 when some evangelists reached his village and preached to him. That day David immediately accepted Christ. He has been working in ministry for five years and is currently leading the evangelism team at his local church…