Sponsor a Church Planter in Zambia

It costs $200 per month on average to fully support an indigenous church planter, including family support and related ministry expenses & oversight.

We generally assign several sponsors to each missionary church planter in $35 increments to reach the full support needed. Distributing a church planter's support in this manner provides for greater prayer support and prevents the complete loss of income in the event a sponsor is forced to discontinue. However, we do welcome any sponsorship level up to the amount of $200 per month per church planter.

Here are some of our church planters with the greatest need of sponsorship. We have hundreds more ready to go to the field!

If you are interested in a larger scale project, please consider sponsoring a nation.


“I believe that the Gospel of the Lord should be preached to the lost so that they may give their lives to Christ and also preach to others…”


“My name is Geoffrey Bwalya. I was born into a Christian family, but was not yet saved. After a period of time I heard the Gospel about Christ from pastor Kennedy Kaponda in 1989 who preached about salvation. On the day I heard this message, I submitted myself to Jesus Christ who I believe had surely died for my sins and I became a new creature. I started walking with Jesus whom I started serving as my Lord and Savior…”