New Covenant Missions recruits, trains, sends and equips Indigenous church planters to be strategically sent to the most unreached places in Africa. Currently we are working in 27 nations among 293 unreached people groups! We have created a sponsorship program so that individuals and churches in the U.S. can be directly involved with our indigenous teams on the field. Through this sponsorship program, we provide the Church Planter families with the basic costs of living.
We continue fundraising in order to equip them with various tools such as send money to launch small shops, mountain bikes or motorbikes, portable solar powered Jesus Film kits, solar powered audio bibles, discipleship training, Muslim evangelism training, community health evangelism training, community development projects (public latrines, fresh water, medical services), and whatever else it takes to empower the church to grow!
(Total of salvations and recommitments divided into the year. This data is based on statistics collected in 2024.)
Our goal is to plant locally sustained churches. Typically, the church planters go into an unreached area and work for three years to make disciples and train up leaders. Once a local church is established, the leadership raises money to sustain the church.
Once the church is sustainable, the church planter begins to plant another church in a different area. Currently none of the churches planted by our church planters require outside support. What is even more exciting is that every church is planted with the “DNA” of multiplication and are immediately focused on evangelizing nearby villages and planting their own 2nd and 3rd generation churches!
As long as the Church Planter family is willing to continue moving and planting churches we continue to support them in their calling. The relationship built between the Church Planter family and their American sponsor truly is the most priceless part of the strategy as it ministers to both families. Sponsors receive quarterly personal reports and are given opportunities to visit, pray for, and equip the Church Planters.
Sponsor a Church Planter
Click on a country or on the interactive map to learn more and to sponsor a nation or a church planter!
🇸🇳 Senegal • 🇬🇲 The Gambia • 🇬🇳 Republic of Guinea • 🇸🇱 Sierra Leone • 🇲🇱 Mali • 🇧🇫 Burkina Faso • 🇨🇮 Ivory Coast • 🇬🇭 Ghana • 🇳🇪 Niger • 🇳🇬 Nigeria • 🇹🇩 Chad • 🇨🇫 CAR • 🇨🇩 DRC • 🇨🇬 CongoRepublic • 🇸🇩 Sudan • 🇸🇸 South Sudan • 🇪🇹 Ethiopia • 🇰🇪 Kenya • 🇺🇬 Uganda • 🇹🇿 Tanzania • 🇿🇲 Zambia • 🇧🇯 Benin • 🇬🇼 Guinea Bissau • 🏴 Unlisted Security Risk Nations